There’s a monster in your house eating all of your extra income!
No, it’s not Frankenstein’s Monster or Dracula, It’s the old furnace in your basement! While it’s not a monster in the traditional sense of the word, it’s good at causing fear when that energy bill comes every month! We deal with a lot of people wondering how to lower their monthly energy bills. New furnaces are a surefire way to do that. The efficacy of new furnaces today surpasses those made even ten years ago! Here are some of the benefits you can expect from a new furnace like the one pictured below. So far fuel costs have gone up this Winter, leaving little room for old equipment.
The Energy Savings:
Every year your old, worn-out furnace is working overtime trying to heat your home. Which means that it’s always running! The more energy-efficient your gas furnace, the less money you will spend on heating during the winter. This means the more money you can spend on CANDY!
The Upgraded Comfort:
New System means upgraded technology, features on new furnaces include Zoned Heating (Heat areas of your home that need it), Variable-Speed Blowers (they deliver air slower, making less noise when less heat is needed), Ignition Systems (No pesky pilot light awaiting the following command to ignite the burners), Warranty (even basic furnaces have a warranty offered).
No Breakdowns:
Getting a new system takes the guesswork out of having an unexpected breakdown. Older systems are unpredictable, so please bring a tune-up yearly to ensure the health of your system and avoid unnecessary breakdowns. And just like every horror film, a breakdown usually occurs at the worse possible time!
Professional help is always available to assist you in deciding if replacement is the best option for you. If your furnace is less than ten years old and you’re noticing a decline in performance, check some small issues first. If your notice a lack of airflow or your furnace running longer than usual, check your filter. Changing your filter is something that is usually needed twice or more a year depending on what size filter you currently have. After that make sure your thermostat is working correctly. Check to see if there are any loose wires and if the batteries are working.
Try it: Look at your filter and check to see how dirty is and then take a look at your thermostat.
Another thing to look at is Furnaces typically last an average of 15 to 20 years. The older your furnace is the less energy-efficient it’s going to be. But you’ll be happy to know that today’s gas furnaces are more energy-efficient and with that, it results in substantial fuel savings compared to your older model. With that improved efficiency of new furnaces, depending on the repair still, be more cost-effective to repair your furnace (if you’re in the less than 10–15-year category). However, if your heat exchanger or control module fails, you’re better off replacing it than spending money on the repair. Certain parts when they fail on your furnace are just not logical to replace.
At the end of the day, the best thing for your home is a safe, reliable, warm furnace. Older furnaces are something you should look at seriously replacing, but if they’re working fine and are around 10-15 years old make sure that you’re keeping up on the routine maintenance to not only prolong the life of the unit but ensure you maximize its efficacy. If you’re new to your home or unaware of how to look at or get information on your furnace a trained, professional All Seasons Heating and Cooling Technician is here to help you find out all of those answers and more.